Monday, November 24, 2008

iPhone 3G review: Twice the hype, half the novelty

It's finally here - the iPhone 3G. No, we mean that literally. It's finally at our office and boy, are we excited! GPS, HSDPA purring under the new iPhone hood with a hefty number of software enhancements.
But all them software goodies are available for the first-gen iPhone too - so is it worth the fuss? It may as well be, but we never know before we take it out for a spin.

Key features:
-3.5" 16M-color TFT display with a resolution of 480 x 320 pixels
-Quad-band GSM support
-Tri-band UMTS support with HSDPA
-Built-in GPS receiver
-8 to 16GB of onboard storage
-Accelerometer, proximity sensor and ambient light sensor
-2 megapixel camera
-Silky smooth user interface with multi-touch user support
-Unsurpassed web surfing experience

(Read Full Review and full specifications at )


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